IC-UTK invited Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom to be the guest speaker for Indonesian students from Unsika.

On April 26, 2019, IC-UTK invited Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom to be the guest speaker on "Thai – Indonesia Economic and Business Relations : Future Co-operations" for 33 Indonesian postgraduate students and some professors from the Faculty of Economy and Business, Unsika-Indonesia. 

The details were shown as below.

Keynote Speech on Thai – Indonesia Economic and Business Relations: Future Co-operations


Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom, Secretary – General, Foundation for International Human Resource Development (FIHRD)

and President of Chira Academy

on April 26, 2019

I ask you to sit as groups to inspire you to think about the subject.

I used to talk about Thai-China business cooperation.

This time, you want me to talk about business cooperation between Thailand and Indonesian.

Both countries are important in ASEAN.

Once, I was elected as the APEC HRD WG Lead Shepherd.

I am a retired professor from Thammasat University.

Dr. Prattana was my Ph.D. student.

I come here to come and share with you some ideas.

Learning is not about knowledge only. Now, you can search on Google.

This paper has so many implications to our cooperation.

I am 74 years old. Every day, I try to do my best. This week, I am a little bit busy.

Yesterday, I coached about 50 engineers. I also coach other groups.

You are graduate students from UNSIKA.

I met Indonesian students 40 years ago. They sent the students to Thammasat University to study English. They did very well.

If we work together, after this session, we will form a group where some of you may study Ph.D. together in Indonesia.

I did Bachelor’s Degree in New Zealand. They teach me to think and write well in English.

Sometimes, in one moment, where it inspires you to think about your country and our cooperation, it can change the world.

Martin Luther King wanted to make black and white equal.

After Russia sent sputnik, John F. Kennedy said “I want to send a man to the Moon”.

First, I want to stimulate you to think. I am happier because there is less language barrier this time.

I work with Prince of Songkla University to bring students from Indonesia. More than 50% of Muslims live in Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat.

I used to go to Medan. I try to push the cooperation between 2 countries.

We are going to learn from one another.

Whatever I ask you to do will be based on my 2R’s Theory

Reality-We want to talk about real things of Thailand and Indonesia. Complementarity is important because when we combine, we can be better.

We will work together and expand to other ASEAN countries.

This week, I write about world order. Thailand is the only one country that has not been colonized. Decision-making helped us survive. When the West controlled the least developed countries, the Dutch took advantage of Indonesia. For ASEAN, we are equal.

I want to make sure that what we will discuss will lead to more cooperation between 2 countries like wisdom, education and change management.

Xi Jinping said that change had 3 components. First, change is very fast. I also follow Indonesian politics. Indonesian democracy came after Thailand. Indonesian democracy is peaceful and functions very well. Please advise Thailand on this area. Thai democracy rotate with Coup d’état.

Today, it is a sharing idea.

I will fly to your country. If you want to study more, we can do Ph.D. together.

Ph.D. now is how smart you work. We must ask the right questions and try to answer with data. Algorithm is very important.

You are the future of Indonesia.

The second thing Xi talked about is uncertainty.

The most important is unpredictability.

I went to Bali many times. There is religious diversity.

You should be proud as a country of diversity. Turn diversity to harmony. Do not follow Trump’s way. He is a liar. Buddhism says that lie is sin.

Even though the U.S. is large, morality is small.

Jokowi is a man of principle. He is not rich but Indonesians trust him and are willing to work with him.

I love Indonesia and Indonesian food.

2 years ago, Dr. Prattana took me to Surabaya. The food was very good.

People also like Indonesian food. Within 10 years, students of this room will open a restaurant in Bangkok and I will be your customers.

People have not known that Indonesian food is good.


Question 1

I would like to ask about GDP. How can Thailand raise GDP and economic in Thailand?


By 4 p.m., you must know basic facts about 2 countries.

There are total GDP and GDP per capita.

Indonesia has many populations so GDP is 40% larger than Thailand.

The problem of GDP in Thailand is that 40% comes from politics. We have coup d’état and military government. Another problem is corruption since Thaksin. Corruption in Indonesia improved due to human right groups. Jokowi is good and tries to become a simple man. Thailand tries to bring in investor overseas by labor intensive. However, we raised minimum wage so we lost competitiveness compared to CMV countries.

If you have political stability, you can control corruption. We need to distribute wealth to other countries. Indonesia has a lot of young population. You need to invest in digital education. Think more instead of copying.

My father graduated from Cambridge and went to Bandung meeting. I went to Bandung many times.

Do not copy Thailand’s greed. Some companies can generate more than GDP of some countries. We should move from natural resources to service sector.

We should develop more shopping malls in Thailand. Our shopping mall is one of the best in the world. The rich Indonesians fly to Bangkok every year. You should do tourism business with the rich Indonesians. You should also do education business. If you want to study with me, please go to Dr. Prattana.

Your question is very good.

Indonesia total GDP is nearly twice of Thailand.

Indonesian GDP per capita is much smaller than Thailand.

When Thailand opened the country for investors, our GDP growth used to reach 10%.

During your time, especially today, please ask question.

If you visit www.chiraacademy.com, you can read my articles.

Today, we are friends. Money is not important.

I come to talk about economics. Then, you should think how to form cooperation in tourism and shopping malls. Do joint venture with Thais when you open shopping malls in Indonesia. I also have friends from Paragon who would like to open shopping malls abroad.

If you want to cooperate with Thailand, we got to be win-win.

I am also a board member of this university. I am also Ph.D. program of this International College.

We should try to grab possibility to be opportunities. However, they do not often come.

Luck also plays a big role in life. Take advantage of it.

All of you pay attention to my talk.

Question 2

It is a pleasure for me to come to Thailand

You really like Indonesian food. What food you ate in Surabaya?

How about other food?


I ate fish.

I think Surabaya food will be popular in Thailand.

Question 3

I work in Taiwan Company group having plants in ASEAN countries and Thailand.

When we contact with other countries, we have problem in learning their culture.

What Thai cultures should Indonesians learn?


This is a deep question.

History is different. When I visited Vietnam, in Vietnam War museum, history showed that Thailand was used as bomb base. Vietnamese did not see us as enemies. They felt that history made them stronger.

For Indonesia, we do not have misunderstanding at all. Indonesia is island country. You can do business well. Cultural misunderstanding creates problem.

I told Vietnamese not to talk much about the war.

You are right that we have to learn how to live in diversity.

We are ASEAN but not the same. Make sure that life is different but we must coexist.

I predict that the world in the future, there will be more conflict. The conflict also comes from refugees.

Thailand has nearly 2 million of Burmese but we treat them with honor and respect. We have many Laotians in Thailand. We are peace-loving community. Indonesian President believes that Indonesians should also visit other countries. I am lucky that you come to UTK and I can work with you.

Question 4

Thailand is ruled by Kingdom. Indonesia is ruled by democratic. Please teach us young generation to make democracy more positive.


This is like a Harvard class. They ask experienced people to say something.

Your question is very deep. I predict that one day, you will run the president.

If you want to know about Kingdom, you have to learn more about history.

Now, Thailand has Chakri Dynasty. The current King is King Rama X.

King Rama IX’s mother is a simple nurse. They met in Harvard. King Rama IX’s was not king but king’s cousin. King Rama IX was taught by his mother to think about people and to be frugal.

You talk about good things about Kingdom of Thailand.

The future of kingdom is not stable.

85 years ago, the King granted Thailand about constitutional democracy.

You have to walk on democracy way. Think about the country, education, less corruption and gap between rich and poor.

I envy your system.

You think that the kingdom is stable.

Your question is good.

You will be president in the future. You think about the future of Indonesia.

Indonesia should have youth politics which is digital politics. They read only their mobile phones.

Question 5

How do you think about Thai-Indonesian economic cooperation in the future?


The economic cooperation is not enough. We need to have more economic cooperation.

We should work together to introduce people who do not know Thai-Indonesian economic cooperation.

Some have misconception. I say Indonesia is an important Muslim country that creates peace in the world. They should not think that they cannot mix up with Indonesia.

Even though we have different religions, we can work together. You are gentle and kind.

Your country can cement the peace in the world. If you do not do it, the world will be more violent.

Today, we can inspire you to think about economic and cooperation.

The second phase if you come again, you can visit Hat Yai. Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala are similar to you. You can exchange more people. They are happy to see you because they are similar to you. We can also visit your country.

One day, you can bring in the Middle Eastern countries to work together.

This is the first time in which communication between my students and me is very clear.

Keynote Speech by Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom (Continued)

In the morning, you can see the picture of 2 countries. We have to know our differences and similarities.

This morning is macro level. We need to do macro cooperation between Thailand and Indonesia and make it more productive.

I stimulate you to think about the subjects. Then, you think more about your country.

I feel honored to be with you. Do not stop learning.

Dr. Prattana Srisuk and Dr. Tubagus Achmad Darodjat try to link us together. I now work very close with him. I have honor to present many papers to Master Degree Students from Indonesia on various subjects. I think that this is a happy time. We communicate well and have good points. Make sure that your learning must have impacts and relevance. Think about your countries.

Today, there will be emerging ideas coming out when you are highly motivated. There are so many unknown in the world.

We have happy learning when you are stimulated to think deeply. Then, you have wisdom. Indonesia and Thailand need to develop people in the poor area. When they have education, they can have more income. Then, income distribution is better.

Universities must invest in human capital. Indonesia has plenty of human capital. Then, you must develop them to have high quality.

When you have genius, avoid greed because it is bad for the world.

People learn finance to minimize risk. However, human beings have greed. When you grow bigger, please control your greed and happiness will come back.

I teach Indonesian students many times. We are friends. You will be highly motivated to reach impossible goals. The future will be in the East even though the technology discovery is from the West.

Yesterday, I taught engineers. They do electricity generation.

Economic includes human capital. People are the key to economic activities.

Asia usually forgets people. However, Lee Kuan Yew invested in people. Tell Jokowi not to forget people. Indonesia has large population but must have quality. I appreciate that you Ministry of Education promotes students to travel more to study. We can cooperate in exchanging students. I hope to see younger students in the remote areas.

Managing uncertainty is difficult subject.

Thailand and Indonesia are ASEAN friends and brothers. We are similar in the way we think. Indonesians are like Thais. We are soft and moderate.

Even though we work together, 8 ASEAN countries also get benefits.

China also has ASEAN+6. If we combine like this and have relationship, then, we can get project. We can trust each other.

This class is about inspiring. The most important thing is to help people work together and help other people. Make sure that we love each other.


1.To promote good international relation between Indonesia and Thailand

2.To create future cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand in business, economic and education

The key is 2I’s: Inspiration and Imagination.

People can think differently. You challenge me. You can make changes to the world when you have courage to say to the seniors.

When I teach you, I believe in inspiration. You will also need imagination. If you are a soccer star like Messi, why do you score more goals? You need to have different ideas and do something different.

Another Chira Way is 2R’s. The key success is Reality. Reality is changing all the time. In the past, coal used to be Indonesia’s export. If Thai power plants want to use coals for generating electricity, they will not meet the standard.

Indonesia will have to go to strategic and service sector. In the next 5 year, Jakarta will have joint venture with Thailand in shopping malls.

Indonesia should move into automobile sector but should think about electric car.

4L’s theory

1.I try to stimulate you to think and have ways of thinking. (Learning Methodology)

2.I love happiness at learning. (Learning Environment)

3.Learning is not classroom any more but it is about sharing ideas with other people. (Learning Opportunities) Diversity in group is needed. Everyone must express ideas. The problem is that the quiet Asians are smart but are dominated by boss.

4.Learning is not IQ any more. (Learning Communities)

The Fifth Discipline

Personal Mastery- Understand yourself. Mastery must be mutual.

Mental Models-They are abilities to change to maximize the benefits. Asians have this problem. You try to influence people.

Shared Vision-You have vision about Thai-Indonesian cooperation. Do not have vision alone. We must share vision with one another. Then, we can move together.

Team Learning- Do not learn alone. Learn from people who think differently. This is Value Diversity. Thinking the same is not learning. You must challenge the assumption with people who think differently.

System Thinking- Think in systematical manners.


Question 1

I was inspired by you. How importance is communication from your experience?


We tend to put communication into small area. In fact, communication is very important everywhere.

First, communication is about the reality. Whoever the boss or follower, communication must be real. You cannot have command and control. You must give people respect and honor when communicate.

Second, communication must be clear.

Third, you must allow environment for people to speak out freely. We must learn how to speak politely and practice speaking in the way that nobody feels hurt.

Younger generation people in Thailand lack skills in speaking to the senior. They sometimes have emotion. If people do not like each other, they do not talk any more.

It is about the reality of the situation and relevance of how to reduce tension.

This group of students is very good and smart

Question 2

We are young people.  I would like to talk about key success of inspiration and imagination. We have a lot of inspiration but have different imagination. When we have ideas, we can do something different. How can we influence other people? Young people have a lot of imagination.


This is very important question.

I start working at Thammasat University at young age. It is not easy to be young and successful.

There are senior people coaching us. In Thailand, young people depend on social media and parents become less important.

I am glad that you ask this question.

In fact, Thailand has a party. Some of members this party are students at Thammasat University. They talk about French Revolution. If you copy everything without thinking of reality, there will be problem. The reality of Thailand and France are different. Most Thai Kings are more benevolent and keeps the country survives. King Rama V sent his sons to Europe and became friend with Tsar Nicolas of Russia. Thailand can survive by diplomacy. Please have friends who are older and have patience to listen to them. Older people have wisdom and experience. They have overcome difficulties. Young people did not have this experience. Life is not about technology only. We must have HRDS. Happiness is not about money but life in general. Respect is important. Even I am old, I accumulate ideas. I also have dignity. Younger generation people need sustainability. You have to know how to survive when you get older.

Question 3

May I ask about tax system?


Indonesia is lucky that the number of working age people is enough to take care of old people. Thailand needs several taxes. Some are against land tax and inheritance tax. You can learn from Thailand. We need to find money from the wealth tax.

Question 4

You inspire me. You remind me about shopping malls. Why are Thai shopping malls popular in the world?

One day, shopping malls can end because of digital era. How do you think about this?


I think that not all people will go online. They can enjoy place for meeting people. She is right that one day shopping malls will be in trouble. It depends how owners deign them to fit digital era. Icon Siam has top food of local areas from all over Thailand. It also has working space. You must design the shopping mall to fulfill all ages. You are 50% right. However, people enjoy ways of life. Nobody can predict people’s behaviors.

Keynote Speech by Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom (Continued)

Learn – Share - Care

12 Rules of Chira’s Way Workshop Process

1.Group members select a qualified member to lead the group as the chairman.

2.Group members select a member who can be secretary and summarize the discussion result and take notes.

3.The chairman explains the topics for clarity and make sure everybody understand.

4.The chairman manages time for discussion.

5.The chairman cares for every member and studies every member’s strengths and capability.

6.The chairman stimulates every member’s participation, make sure each can participate.

7.The chairman creates an environment to promote every member to feel safe to discuss with respect and dignity.

8.The chairman creates a safe environment for everyone to speak out politely without fear.

9.The chairman fills in the gap of discussion, stimulates and creates inspiration to members.

10.The secretary summarizes and prepares a presentation.

11.The group select the members with leadership skills to present the workshop results.

12.There should be at least 3 presenters to promote Value Diversity.

HR Architecture means from birth to death. You must start investing in people and keep working on it.

Please send Indonesian students to Thailand because Indonesia has a lot of young population. Some Thai universities have decreasing students due to low birthrate.

Education should be a complimentary area between Thailand and Indonesia.

Indonesia can work with Thailand on agricultural cooperation.

If democracy is stable, your life will be good.

Political conflict is a problem. The world order will be like this. Brexit and U.S. will be less important.

Indonesia can work with Thailand in tourism. Indonesia still has fewer tourists from Thailand.

With stable democratic system, the economy of Indonesia is performing better than Thailand.

We can do more business together which in the afternoon I will discuss the two real projects which is ongoing – but as students and future leaders, we must also plan to work ahead together.

75% of available money in the world is outside the country.


Group 1

1.Why the two economics, Thailand and Indonesia can work together more as compliments rather than competitions?

We have uniqueness in both countries like ethnic and culture.

We can cooperate in tourism because we have uniqueness in food, history and religion.

Thailand has so many kinds of food. So does Indonesia.

Thailand also has halal food. Indonesians can go to Thailand easily.


Indonesia has aerospace industry. We have specialized in airplane. We can develop aerospace project for tourism.


Thailand has R&D in agriculture.

Indonesia has big market and big land to support it and absorb the research results.


We can exchange technology. Knowhow and implementation of each country are important.

Thailand and Indonesia can exchange information.

Infrastructure and technology

In Jokowi era, we highly invest in infrastructure. We can learn Thai case study of transportation infrastructure development like MRT.

Strengthening military

We can exchange information on how to defend territories.

2.After you go back to your country, how do we keep in touch with one another by social medias

We can exchange information on website. Use Chiraacademy.com, university website, Facebook. They are easy to develop relationship.

Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom

Compare to this morning session, I would like to congratulate the kind of detail each of you discuss. Even though we are not government, the direction of cooperation has opening up several opportunities.

My next project will be in Phuket. I will be coaching a Phuket university for 9 days.

Your efforts discussing Chira Way is better than Thais.

I want this project to be one of the importance for today.

I am lucky that I met you not in a classroom way.

All of you paid attention to the subject I explain to you.

It can be business expanding to other countries.

The way you response this question is realistic.

I feel very honored that you put in effort.

Keep working and learning about it.

Group 2

1.Why the two economics, Thailand and Indonesia can work together more as compliments rather than competitions?

We choose tourism as real sector which can we cooperate together.

Thailand has knowledge can do investment and can help Indonesia in infrastructure in some islands.

We can help Thailand by increasing number of tourists.

Indonesia is not only Bali. Potential is also in other places. We are regional in ASEAN. We are not too far away.

We do not need visa for visiting each other.

We can grow together to introduce tourism to other countries.

2.After you go back to your country, how do we keep in touch with one another by social medias

Instagram is very famous and population. Use Hashtag #. Put phone number on Instagram It is popular for young generation. They look at picture.

WhatsApp share location. We can discuss and share information on WhatsApp.

Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom

Second group has efforts in workshop.

I feel very happy.

You push for tourism cooperation which is very possible.

I have to add to possibility for cooperation to be real.

My job is to play middle role link with government.

I will start social network together.

We will talk about cooperation between 2 countries.

Academically we work together to expand cooperation.

Thank you very much.

Proposals from group 1 and 2 are realistic.

Group 3

1.Why the two economics, Thailand and Indonesia can work together more as compliments rather than competitions?

Historical aspect- Thailand and Indonesia have cultural similarities. It is easy to make good relation with Thailand Kingdom.

Demographic-Indonesia has more population than Thailand.

Geographic-Both Indonesia and Thailand are parts of ASEAN. Thailand and Indonesia have long range beach and are tropical countries.

Human Capital will be an opportunity for education exchange. We can send students to Thailand.

Ministry of Finance of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia made an agreement to use local currency to reduce the use of USD.

Another cooperation is automobile industry.

Thailand can provide capital for investment in ASEAN.

2.After you go back to your country, how do we keep in touch with one another by social medias

Email, Twitter WhatsApp

Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom

You have unique picture of demography. We complement on one another. We can exchange students and labor force.

Group 4

1.Why the two economics, Thailand and Indonesia can work together more as compliments rather than competitions?

-Export and import.

Indonesia needs help from Thailand can make something that Indonesia cannot make.

Indonesia can help Thailand make products.


We can share tourism information.

2.After you go back to your country, how do we keep in touch with one another by social medias





Mrs. Pitchabhuree Chandrakamol

I would like to provide recommendations for Macro and Micro levels.

Please look at IMT-GT and you will have bigger pictures.

Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom

We must push for the real projects and should not listen to bureaucrats because the projects will be slow.

Mrs. Pitchabhuree Chandrakamol

You can find the ideas from sportswear and sport tourism between Thailand and Indonesia

You have halal knowledge so you can combine Thai taste and halal.

Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom

In conclusion, this morning, you have courage to ask questions.

In Thailand, I have done very well.

You are not far away from the standard of learning.

I have done many projects with Indonesia. From now on, we must try to work together regardless of government support to make it reality in tourism, agriculture and IMT-GT. Both countries have much potential.

It is time of Asia and new world order. Indonesia is powerful because it is a part of G20.

Thank chairman for being a leader.

Learning how to learn is the key to success. You must learn from reality and deal with the crisis all the time.


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หมายเลขบันทึก: 661412เขียนเมื่อ 29 เมษายน 2019 18:10 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 3 พฤษภาคม 2019 16:13 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-ไม่ดัดแปลงจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (32)


1.Knowledge not be stopped, must to hand over continue to our young generation.2.Education is not only to reach degree and wisdom. The most important is education for make people more happy. This mean output for education is useful for the people and the country.3.Young people must be more inspiration and imagination. Do not fear to dream, speak more louder about the ideas and opinions.4.Indonesia is more potential than Thailand. Because young people bigger. By this condition is good for Indonesia sustainability the next generation. We must develop the people education to be strengthened the country.5.The technology and economic is no longer from western. Eastern take most opportunity to take over the technology and economics global. In the future, we can be stronger our cooperation each other.

Aulia Faradilah Sari

In today material, I can conclude that the economic and business relations between Indonesia and Thailand include:

1.Know information from “www.chiraacademy.com” regarding HR Architecture. With HR Architecture, we can know compare the supply and demand for human capital, R Architecture and the age structure of two countries.

2.We can know comparison between the economic structure of two countries-GDP for example:

-growth by sectors relations between Indonesia and Thailand in the agriculture, industrial and service sector. Indonesia is higher than Thailand.

-foreign direct investment relation Indonesia and Thailand to Indonesia is higher than Thailand because Indonesia in 2018 $ 619 billion and $ 889.24 Million in January 2019.

-Indonesia-Thailand Import and Export Facts in 2018 to Indonesia is higher than Thailand.

3.Indonesia and Thailand have advantages. That is namely, Indonesia has two airlines, namely Garuda and also Lion Air operating in Thailand and Thailand has several types of companies in Indonesia for example SCG

4.Have mission together

5.Effort to work together.

Okka Sukma Dwiva

1.Learning is not just studied by books. We can learn by sharing.

2.This is not bad to be different one. Why we must follow someone or try to be some one of we can be ourselves

3.Think out of the box to find opportunities

4.Together is better. There is so much benefit when we work together.

5.Time is flew. Everything is change. The members of ASEAN have some power to maybe we can work more to make a new world order.

Atin Krisnanto

After I heard the explanation from Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom and I got some of inspiration they are”

1.Exchange the students between Indonesia and Thailand gave good impact for two countries so it should continue make a Master of Understanding.

2.There are some of difficulties between Indonesia and Thailand but they make leisure to enjoyable the nation of tourism.

3.The development of business and economic of theoretically should be learnt because develop fast

4.There are 4 learning should be known. They are learning methodology, environment, opportunity and community.

5.I am happy in this activity because make me adding acknowledge of Thailand Kingdom and Ramangala University.

Inspiration from Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom

1.Learning Inspiration about opportunities and more love Indonesia with many islands

2.About tourism Indonesia and Thailand

3.Spirit study from Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom

4.Learning and try workshop with friend

5.Compare the economy of two countries, Thailand and Indonesia


After I heard the explanation from Prof. Dr. Chira Hongladarom, I got some of inspiration;

1.The development of economic of theoretically should be learnt because develop faster.

2.Develop of Thailand is amazing

3.Thailand really values local wisdom and culture

4.Indonesia and Thailand have many similarities

5.Thailand people are very friendly. This is reflected in our acceptance to study at this university.

Topics inspiration in this workshop

1.Give me learn how I have wisdom in our own mind

2.Studying not only study at the classroom

Wahyu Juhana

Lessons Learnt:

1.Inspiring lecture on economic and business relations.

2.Key successes are 2I’s (Inspiration and Imagination) but using 2R’s (Reality and Relevance)

3.The figure of both countries’ economic: how this figure can be an early data to develop cooperation in many sectors.

4.Important point on human capital development. Both countries can make a good relationship on human capital development. Human capital development is an important point for all countries.

5.Framework for cooperation, As follow-up of workshops need to concrete the idea generated from discussion.

5 topics which are inspiration for me:

1.About compliment between Indonesia and Thailand

2.Kinds of capital

3.Economic Relationship

4.Business Relationship


Muhammad Nurul Jami

5 Topics of interesting and inspiration:

1.Topic about relations between Thailand and Indonesia

2.Kinds of capital

3.History of Kingdom of Thailand

4.Export and import

5.Chira Way

Yudha Nugraka

5 things that we can get from our share learning today:

1.Learning, inspiring and stimulation the good government from other countries

2.To create future Indonesia and Thailand business, economic and education

3.Discussion about politics and democracy in 2 countries

4.Learning compare GDP other Thailand and Indonesia

5.Presentation about workshop to improvement other two countries and how about to create cooperation


5 things inspiration from today’s learning:

1.Fun learning method

2.Wisdom sharing

3.Get to know more about Thailand from Thailand people and get to know more about Indonesia from Non-Indonesian people

4.How to inspire other people

5.Respect myself more and thankful of my condition with increase my knowledge for every opportunity coming

Elly Ryska Siregar

5 things that we can get from our share learning today:

1.How we increase the value within us: Value Added, Value Creation, Value Diversity

2.How we can keep in touch each other after this class: that we can share our information from email and social media

3.Key successes are inspiration and imagination. It is not to inform or transfer information but to inspire you to work as team by using 2R’s (Reality & Relevance) and the key is learning how to learn.

4.We can grow up together in ASEAN. Indonesia and Thailand can be team/friends to give benefits for our countries: To promote good international relation between Indonesia and Thailand

5.Learning how to learn from Chira Way

-Learning Methodology

-Learning Environment

-Learning Opportunities

-Learning Communities

Sukron Jajila Siregar

5 things that we can get from our share learning today:

1.Excellent service

2.I was inspired by Dr. Chira who provided motivation to me about information and education.

3.I was inspired because I get a lot of information about Thailand.

4.I think Thailand and UTK have integrity and respect for foreigners.

5.I am proud to be able to meet Dr. Chira because he is one of the most famous people in Thailand.

Candra Maulana

5 things inspiration from today’s learning

1.Inspired by good quality and quantity of professors and students

2.Dr. Chira’s hospitality, the way present the subject

3.Knowledge from today can be one of my investment to move forward and compete with other human resource

4.Got new knowledge and information so I have new mind.

5.To always smile, excellent service

Fitrya Hayatin Nufus

1.Human Capital

  1. 2G= Genius and Greed

3.Work together as compliments

4.Knowledge, idea and freedom

5.Think differently


Inspiring topics today

1.Income distribution and equality

2.Inspiration and imagination

3.Intelligence is not about degree.

4.Demographic structure of two countries about the age people

5.Learning from pain, experience and listening

Nur Azizah

5 things that inspire us

1.How we must be ourselves to be successful

2.Learn from people who have different ideas. Don’t learn from those who have the same ideas.

3.The key to our success is inspiration and imagination and how we implement it into our world today

4.Work together as compliments

  1. 12 rules of Chira Way workshop process can inspire to become students who have more abilities.

Khaewdin Sidile Patoni

My inspiration

1.For success, not only work, work, work but must work hard and work smart

2.Think out of the box

3.Many things can be explored between two countries such as tourism, industry, education and more.

4.Different culture and religions do not limit us from working together.

5.Dr. Chira gives a lot of inspiration and motivation.


Summary of lecture result

1.Learning does not have to be learning while it is better sharing.

2.A good government must remember the people because the people are the strength of a country.

3.The key to success





4.Democracy influences the economy and development of a country for which democracy must be maintained.

5.We need to keep learning and learning must be happy. Don’t be boring. Learning can be from experiences or listening and reality.


2.Each morning will be workshop. Please use 12 rules of Chira Way workshop process.

3.This morning, I will compare the economy of Thailand and Indonesia.

4.With stable democratic system, the economy of Indonesia is performing better than Thailand.

5.It is great honor to welcome all of you to exciting 6 hours seminar at UTK.

Bambang S.

1.UTK share learning postgraduate student exchange workshop UNSIKA IndonesiaIt is great honor to welcome all.

2.Relation between Indonesia and Thailand

3.Indonesia companies in Thailand

4.For people management and effective

5.Strategic management and policy.


5 things that inspire us

1.Relation Indonesia and Thailand

2.How we must be ourselves to be successful

3.Strategic management and business policy

4.Many things can be explored between two countries such as tourism, industries, education and more

5.For people management and effective teamwork.

Saepul Anwar

1.Inspire to work as the team not individuals

2.HR Architecture by Chira Way

3.Development project, social, culture cooperation, fisheries cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand

4.Comparison of economy section between Indonesia and Thailand

5.Indonesia and Thailand are not perfect countries but when we can join as the alliance, we can get the best result together.


Inspiration for workshop

1.Relation between Indonesia and Thailand in sectors like aquaculture for growth economy

2.Student exchange program between UNSIKA and UTK

3.Share learning can be done through at Internet examples, streaming or social media

4.Labor exchange program between Indonesia and Thailand

Siwiya Mega

Topics inspiration in this workshop

1.How we have wisdom in ourselves (freedom) about inspiration and imagination

2.Shared education more be fun than one direction from lecturer

3.More know about Thailand and Indonesia can work together as compliments

4.Most important is quality of your thinking

5.More knowledge in this workshop from Dr. Chira

Garip Hidayat

5 focus/topic inspiration for me

1.Indonesia-Thailand relation

2.Indonesian companies in Thailand

-Garuda & Lion

-Retail Food & Drink

3.For people management and effective teamwork

4.Strategic management and business policy

5.2R’s (Reality and Relevance)

Didin Syamsudin

Topic Interesting in today

1.Many same people culture

2.Relationship featuring this solid Thailand and Indonesia in sectoral industries

3.Historical Thailand and Indonesia

4.Vacation long beach very interesting from Thailand-Indonesia

5.Share learning more than science to education

6.Kingdom Thailand always support government to future country

Ade Setiawan

1.Indonesia and Thailand are ASEAN friends and we can work more to benefit our two countries and eight other ASEAN and beyond.

a.To promote good international relation between Indonesia and Thailand

b.To create future cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand in business, economic and education

2.Key success

a.2I’s (Inspiration and Imagination)

b.It is not to inform or transfer information but to inspire you to work as team by using 2R’s (Reality and Relevance)

  1. 4L’s

a.Learning Methodology

b.Learning Environment

c.Learning Opportunities

d.Learning Communities

4.There are four kinds of capital;

a.Human Capital

b.Financial Capital

c.Technology Capital

d.Natural Resources Capital

5.With stable democratic system, the economy of Indonesia is performing better than Thailand.

Sonny Bulian

1.The key success is 2I’s (Inspiration and Imagination)

-It is not to inform or transfer information but to inspire you to work as team by using 2R’s (Reality and Relevance) and the key is learning how to learn.

2.Four kinds of capital;

a.Human Capital

b.Financial Capital

c.Technology Capital

d.Natural Resources Capital

  1. 4L’s

a.Learning Methodology

b.Learning Environment

c.Learning Opportunities

d.Learning Communities

4.Share the advantage and disadvantage between Indonesia and Thailand but the economy of Indonesia is performing better than Thailand.

5.Indonesia and Thailand are ASEAN friends and we can work more to benefit our two countries and eight other ASEAN and beyond.

a.To promote good international relation between Indonesia and Thailand

b.To create future cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand in business, economic and education

Ai Subantari

1.In economy, there are four kinds of capital;

a.Human Capital

b.Financial Capital

c.Technology Capital

d.Natural Resources Capital

2.Concept of HR Architecture


3.Thailand and Indonesia can work together more as compliment rather than competition

Example for cultural relations

A lot of Thai Buddhist visitors pay respect to Borobudur temple, considered as one of the best Buddhist marvelous architecture in Indonesia

4.Tourism is the sector that contributes the most income from Thailand.

  1. 4L’s

a.Learning Methodology

b.Learning Environment

c.Learning Opportunities

d.Learning Communities

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